«ΤΟ ΒΙΒΛΙΟ» ανοίγει τις πύλες σ’ ένα συναρπαστικό κόσμο όπου η φαντασία υφαίνει αριστοτεχνικά την πραγματικότητα, δημιουργώντας ένα έργο που συνδυάζει την αβίαστη ροή της λογοτεχνίας επιστημονικής φαντασίας, με την εμβάθυνση της φιλοσοφικής και επιστημονικής σκέψης. Στο βιβλίο αυτό, οι πιο δύσβατες έννοιες μετασχηματίζονται μέσα από την ποιητική γλώσσα, διαλύοντας τη σκληρή επιφάνεια της πολυπλοκότητας και γλιστρώντας απαλά στη συνείδηση του αναγνώστη. Έτσι, οι ιδέες αποκαλύπτονται με μια αίσθηση φυσικότητας, σαν να αναδύονται οργανικά από την ίδια τη ροή του κειμένου, κάνοντας την κατανόηση όχι άθλο, αλλά απόλαυση. Ένα έργο όπου η τέχνη της γλώσσας αγκαλιάζει την ουσία της σκέψης, προσφέροντας μια ανάγνωση που είναι καθηλωτική και ταυτόχρονα μαγευτική.
Στο πρώτο μέρος του βιβλίου, στο «ΧΡΟΝΙΚΟ ΕΝΟΣ ΘΑΥΜΑΤΟΣ», ανακαλύπτουμε την επική ιστορία ενός κόσμου κατεστραμμένου από την ανθρώπινη παρακμή και τον πόλεμο, όπου ένας μοναχικός επιζών βρίσκει ένα βιβλίο που υπόσχεται να επαναφέρει την ελπίδα και να οδηγήσει σε μια νέα εποχή αναγέννησης. Καθώς το βιβλίο «ΣΚΛΗΡΕΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ» αναστατώνει τις βάσεις της κοινωνίας, το ταξίδι του ήρωα και η βαθιά μεταμόρφωση του κόσμου, γίνονται η αφετηρία για μια νέα προοπτική.
Στο δεύτερο μέρος, στις "ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ", που είναι το πραγματικό βιβλίο «ΣΚΛΗΡΕΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ», αποκαλύπτονται μοναδικές επιστημονικές ενδείξεις για την ύπαρξη Θεού, ψυχής και ζωής μετά θάνατο. Μέσα από εξαιρετικές έρευνες και αποδεικτικά στοιχεία που παρέμεναν αφανή για δεκαετίες, η πραγματικότητα αντανακλάται στην φαντασία, προσφέροντας στους αναγνώστες μια ολοκληρωμένη και συναρπαστική εξερεύνηση της επιστήμης και της μεταφυσικής.
Στο τρίτο μέρος, στην «ΕΠΟΥΡΑΝΙΑ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΙΑ», η ποιητική απόδοση των εννοιών προσφέρει μια νέα διάσταση, επιτρέποντας στον αναγνώστη να συναντήσει την επιστήμη και τη φιλοσοφία, όχι ως ψυχρή ανάλυση, αλλά ως ζωντανή εμπειρία. Οι ιδέες αποκαλύπτονται με μια αίσθηση φυσικότητας, σαν να αναδύονται οργανικά από την ίδια τη ροή του ποιητικού κειμένου, κάνοντας την κατανόηση όχι άθλο, αλλά απόλαυση!
Διατίθεται από την AMAZON με δύο εξώφυλλα
ως κάτωθι:
”THE BOOK" opens the gates to a fascinating world where imagination masterfully, weaves together reality, creating a work that blends the effortless flow of science fiction literature, with the depth of philosophical and scientific thought, enhanced by occasional poetic insights that elevate the spirit. In this book, the most complex concepts are transformed through literary language, dissolving the hard surface of complexity and slipping gently into the reader's consciousness. Thus, the ideas are revealed with a sense of naturalness, as if they organically emerge from the very flow of the text, making comprehension not a feat but a pleasure. A work where the art of language embraces the essence of thought, offering a reading experience that is both captivating and enchanting.
In the second part, in the book “Stone Hearts”,' which is the real one and corresponds to the imaginary book “Hard Hearts”, unique scientific evidence is revealed about the existence of God, the soul, and life after death.. Through remarkable research and evidence that had remained hidden for decades, reality reflects in the imagination, offering readers a comprehensive and thrilling exploration of science and metaphysics.
Available from AMAZON with two covers
as below:
ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ 42 ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ΤΗΣ AMAZON, του νέου βιβλίου ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ του Μάριου Λευθεριώτη, 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, 7 διαφορετικών παρουσιάσεων, πολυτελή, κανονική και φθηνή, με σκληρό ή, μαλακό εξώφυλλο, σε 2 γλώσσες, Ελληνικά και Αγγλικά και με 3 διαφορετικά εξώφυλλα, σύνολο 7Χ2Χ3=42 εκδόσεις
Η βασική έκδοση, με το 3ο εξώφυλλο, στοιχίζει 17,30 Ευρώ από την AMAZON Γερμανίας:
Για πιό φθηνά, μπορείτε να πάρετε την ασπρόμαυρη έκδοση, 354 σελίδων που κάνει 8,83 Ευρώ, από την AMAZON Γερμανίας:
Έξοδα αποστολής, περίπου 10 Ευρώ για όσα αντίτυπα και να παραγγείλετε. Επομένως συμφέρει να συγκεντρωθείτε 3-4 μαζί, ή και περισσότεροι και να κάνετε μία κοινή παραγγελία, ώστε να ελαχιστοποιήσεται τα έξοδα αποστολής (τα 10 Ευρώ), τα οποία θα μοιραστούν δια του αριθμού των βιβλίων που θα παραγγελθούν.
Σημειωτέον ότι τα βιβλία από την AMAZON Γερμανίας, σας παραδίδονται στο σπίτι σας, εντός 6 ημερών από την παραγγελία τους !
Το νέο, ως άνω, βιβλίο, ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ, 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, που εξέδωσε ο Μάριος Λευθεριώτης Ελληνικά και Αγγλικα, διά της AMAZON, έχει 120 και πλέον, σελίδες, περισσότερες από τις ΠΕΤΡΙΝΕΣ ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ και 93 άρθρα με μεγάλους έγχρωμους τίτλους και κεφαλογράμματα στην αρχή του κειμένου. Μπορείτε να το παραγγείλετε από την AMAZON, το βιβλίο αυτό, με το εξώφυλλο της 3ης έκδοσής του, με τις παρακάτω τιμές (Στις σελίδες της AMAZON το βιβλίο με σκληρό εξώφυλλο, αποκαλείται Hardcover και με μαλακό εξώφυλλο Paperback):
Με σκληρό εξώφυλλο, πολυτελής έκδοση, στολίδι για την βιβλιοθήκη σας, 354 σελίδων, με 80 φωτογραφίες εκ των οποίων οι 60 έγχρωμες, άριστης ποιότητας εκτύπωσης, για τους δυνάμενους να διαθέσουν το ποσό:
37,07 Ευρώ ή, 39,92 Δολ. από ΗΠΑ
Με μαλακό εξώφυλλο, η βασική έκδοση, που ενδιαφέρει και τους περισσότερους αγοραστές, 354 σελίδων, με 80 φωτογραφίες εκ των οποίων οι 60 έγχρωμες (είναι αυτό που αναφέρεται ανωτέρω):
17,30 Ευρώ από AMAZON Γερμανίας
Με σκληρό εξώφυλλο, η κανονική ως άνω έκδοση, αλλά με όλες του τις φωτογραφίες, ασπρόμαυρες:
16,20 Ευρώ από AMAZON Γερμανίας
σε 2 χρώματα χαρτιού, λευκό και κρεμ
Και τέλος, για τα ασθενέστερα βαλάντια, με μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 354 σελίδων χρώματος κρεμ και με ασπρόμαυρες φωτογραφίες και οι 80 (είναι αυτό που αναφέρεται ανωτέρω):
8,83 Ευρώ από AMAZON Γερμανίας
Οι αντίστοιχες τιμές για την Αγγλική έκδοση του βιβλίου ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ, με τον Αγγλικό τίτλο STONE HEARTS, είναι:
Με σκληρό εξώφυλλο, πολυτελές, 354 σελίδων με έγχρωμες φωτογραφίες ως ανωτέρω:
36,17 Ευρώ ή, 39,22 Δολ. από ΗΠΑ
Με μαλακό εξώφυλλο, η κανονική έκδοση, 354 σελίδων με έγχρωμες φωτογραφίες ως ανωτέρω:
16,80 Ευρώ από AMAZON Γερμανίας
Με σκληρό εξώφυλλο, η κανονική ως άνω έκδοση, αλλά με όλες του τις φωτογραφίες, ασπρόμαυρες:
16,04 Ευρώ από AMAZON Γερμανίας
Με μαλακό εξώφυλλο, 354 σελίδων και με ασπρόμαυρες φωτογραφίες και οι 80:
8,62 Ευρώ από AMAZON Γερμανίας
Τέλος οι διευθύνσεις της AMAZON με τις 2 πρώτες πολυτελείς εκδόσεις του βιβλίου, που έχουν διαφορετικά εξώφυλλα για κάθε έκδοση, είναι:
36,70 Ευρώ ή, 39,79 Δολλάρια
από ΗΠΑ
Η Ελληνική έκδοση με το σκληρό εξώφυλλο της 2ης έκδοσης
36,65 Ευρώ ή, 39,73 Δολλάρια
από ΗΠΑ
Η Αγγλική έκδοση με το σκληρό εξώφυλλο της 1ης έκδοσης
36,70 Ευρώ ή, 39,79 Δολλάρια
από ΗΠΑ
Τα μεταφορικά από AMAZON Γερμανίας προς Ελλάδα, είναι περίπου 10 Ευρώ ανεξαρτήτως του αριθμού των βιβλίων που θα παραγγείλετε.
Τα μεταφορικά, για την πολυτελή έκδοση του βιβλίου, από AMAZON Αμερικής προς Ελλάδα, είναι περισσότερα, αλλά προτιμάται αυτή η AMAZON έναντι των άλλων, διότι κάνει μεγάλη έκπτωση στην βασική τιμή του πολυτελούς βιβλίου.
Όσοι μιλούν Ιταλικά, μπορούν να αγοράσουν τα ανωτέρω βιβλία από την AMAZON Ιταλίας, κατά μισό περίπου Ευρώ φθηνότερα, απ’ ότι τα δίνει η AMAZON Γερμανίας. Απλά στις αντίστοιχες διευθύνσεις θα πρέπει να αντικαταστήσουν, μετά τη λέξη amazon., τα 2 γράμματα: de (είναι για την Γερμανία), με τα γράμματα: it (είναι για την Ιταλία)
Εξ άλλου η AMAZON Αμερικής έχει κυκλοφορήσει και τις πολυτελείς εκδόσεις του βιβλίου με μαλακό εξώφυλλο, Ελληνικά και Αγγλικά και των 3 εκδόσεων, ως κάτωθι:
ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, με το εξώφυλλο της 3ης έκδοσης: 32,59 Ευρώ ή, 35,20 Δολλάρια από ΗΠΑ
ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, με το εξώφυλλο της 2ης έκδοσης: 32,47 Ευρώ ή, 35,20 Δολλάρια από ΗΠΑ
ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, με το εξώφυλλο της 1ης έκδοσης: 32,49 Ευρώ ή, 35,22 Δολλάρια από ΗΠΑ
STONE HEARTS 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, με το εξώφυλλο της 3ης έκδοσης: 32,87 Ευρώ ή, 35,64 Δολλάρια από ΗΠΑ
STONE HEARTS 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων, με το εξώφυλλο της 1ης έκδοσης: 32,50 Ευρώ ή, 35,23 Δολλάρια από ΗΠΑ
Τέλος για τους διαμένοντες στις ΗΠΑ, οι σύνδεσμοι για την προμήθεια του βιβλίου από την AMAZON των ΗΠΑ, είναι οι κάτωθι:
Ελληνική έκδοση με μαλακό εξώφυλλο
ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ, 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων: 17,60 Δολλάρια, 16,10 Ευρώ:
Αγγλική έκδοση με μαλακό εξώφυλλο
STONE HEARTS, 354 έγχρωμων σελίδων: 17,15 Δολλάρια, 15,69 Ευρώ
Το προηγούμενο βιβλίο του
Μάριου Λευθεριώτη,
που κυκλοφορεί στα βιβλιοπωλεία από το 2022
FOR THE 42 AMAZON EDITIONS of the new book STONE HEARTS by Marios Leftheriotis, 354 color pages.
The basic edition of the book, with the cover of the 3rd edition, 354 pages, which is of interest to the majority of buyers, costs 17.30 Euro and you get it from AMAZON Germany. They send it home to you in a week. Shipping costs of around 10 Euros for any books you order:
For cheaper, you can get the black and white version, 354 pages which costs 8.83 Euro, from AMAZON Germany. Shipping costs the same:
Therefore, it is advisable to gather 3-4 together, or even more, and make a joint order, in order to minimize the shipping costs (the 10 Euros), which will be divided by the number of books that will be ordered.
The book is released by AMAZON worldwide, in 16 variants, with the cover of the 3rd edition and with the following prices:
( On the pages of AMAZON, the hardcover book is called hardcover and the softcover paperback)
The Greek version
Hardcover, deluxe volume, a gem for your library, 354 pages, with 80 photos of which 60 are in color, for those who can afford it:
37.07 Euro or, 39.92 USD from US
In soft cover, the basic edition, 354 pages, with 80 photos of which 60 are in color (this is what is mentioned above):
17.30 Euro from AMAZON Germany
In hardcover, the regular edition above, but with all 80 black and white photos:
16.20 Euro from AMAZON Germany
in 2 paper colors, white and cream
And finally, for the weakest bookies, with a soft cover, 354 pages in cream color and with all 80 black and white photos (that's what is mentioned above):
8.83 Euro from AMAZON Germany
The corresponding prices for the English version of the book, STONE HEARTS, are:
Hardcover, deluxe, 354 pages with color photos as above:
36.17 Euro or, 39.22 US Dollars
Paperback, the regular edition, 354 pages with color photos as above:
16.80 Euro from AMAZON Germany
With a soft cover, 354 pages and with all 80 black and white photos:
8.62 Euro from AMAZON Germany
Finally, the links to the first 2 editions, with the different covers, are:
The Greek edition with the cover of the 1st edition from USA
The Greek edition with the cover of the 2nd edition from USA
The English edition with the cover of the 1st edition from USA
Shipping from AMAZON Germany is around 10 Euro regardless of the number of books you order.
The shipping for the deluxe edition from AMAZON America is more, but this AMAZON is preferred over the others because it gives a big discount on the base price of the deluxe book.
Finally, for those who speak Italian, they can get the above books from AMAZON Italy, for about half a Euro cheaper than AMAZON Germany. Simply in the corresponding addresses they will replace after amazon., the 2 letters de (for Germany), with the letters it (for Italy)
On the other hand, AMAZON of America has also released the deluxe editions of the book with a soft cover, Greek and English of all 3 editions, as below:
The Greek version ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ 354 color pages, with cover of 3rd edition: 32.59 Euro or 35.20 US Dollars
The Greek version ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ 354 color pages, with cover of the 2nd edition: 32.47 Euro or 35.20 US Dollars
The Greek version ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ 354 color pages, with cover of 1st edition: 32.49 Euro or 35.22 US Dollars
STONE HEARTS 354 color pages, with cover of 3rd edition: 32.87 Euro or 35.64 US Dollars
STONE HEARTS 354 color pages, with 1st edition cover: 32.50 Euro or 35.23 US Dollars
Finally, for those residing in the USA, the links to purchase the book from AMAZON USA are below:
Greek version with soft cover
ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ, 354 color pages: 17.60 US Dollars, 16,10 Ευρώ:
English edition with soft cover
STONE HEARTS, 354 color pages: 17,15 US Dollars, 15,69 Ευρώ
Οι 504 επιλογές παραγγελίας του βιβλίου ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ του Μάριου Λευθεριώτη, από την AMAZON.
Οι επιλογές αυτές διατίθενται παγκοσμίως, από 12 επιλεγμένες χώρες, για την αγορά των 7 διαφορετικών εκδόσεών του, στην Ελληνική και Αγγλική γλώσσα και με 3 διαφορετικά εξώφυλλα (7Χ2Χ3Χ12=42Χ12=504)
Διατίθενται σε εκτύπωση πολυτελή με έγχρωμες εικόνες (περίπου 37 Ευρώ για σκληρό εξώφυλλο ή, 32 Ευρώ για μαλακό), συνήθη, με έγχρωμες εικόνες (περίπου 17 Ευρώ για μαλακό εξώφυλλο), και με ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες (περίπου 16 Ευρώ για σκληρό εξώφυλλο ή, 8 Ευρώ για μαλακό.
Ετσι σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος του κόσμου και να ευρίσκεσθε, μπορείτε να επιλέγετε, βάσει των συνδέσμων αυτών, την χώρα από την οποία επιθυμείτε την προμήθεια του βιβλίου, ανάλογα με την τιμή και την έκπτωση που κάνει η AMAZON, της χώρας αυτής.
Λόγω της μεγάλης έκτασης του κειμένου, δεν αναγράφονται όλοι οι σύνδεσμοι των 504 συνολικά επιλογών παραγγελίας του βιβλίου που διαθέτουν οι 12 AMAZON που πωλούν τις ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ σε όλο τον κόσμο, στην Ελληνική και Αγγλική έκδοσή του.
Εδώ, αναγράφονται μόνο οι σύνδεσμοι της επιλογής εκτύπωσης του βιβλίου σε μαλακό εξώφυλλο, έγχρωμες εικόνες και με το 3ο εξώφυλλο, που στοιχίζει περίπου 17 Ευρώ, και αγοράζεται από τους περισσότερους αναγνώστες.
Για τις άλλες εκδόσεις, με πολυτελές σκληρό εξώφυλλο και έγχρωμες εικόνες, που στοιχίζει περίπου 37 Ευρώ, με πολυτελές μαλακό εξώφυλλο και έγχρωμες εικόνες, που στοιχίζει περίπου 32 Ευρώ, για την κανονική εκτύπωση με σκληρό εξώφυλλο και ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες, σε 2 χρώματα χαρτιού, λευκό και κρεμ, που στοιχίζει περίπου 16 Ευρώ και για την φθηνή εκτύπωση με μαλακό εξώφυλλο και ασπρόμαυρες εικόνες, που στοιχίζει περίπου 8 Ευρώ, οι αντίστοιχοι σύνδεσμοι επιλογών αγοράς του βιβλίου από την AMAZON, μπορούν να χορηγηθούν στους ενδιαφερόμενους, εφ’ όσον μου ζητηθούν.
Οι ανωτέρω 504 σύνδεσμοι επιλογών αγοράς του βιβλίου, μπορούν επίσης να αναζητηθούν και στον ιστό με τις λέξεις: AMAZON ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ ή, AMAZON MARIOS LEFTERIOTIS ή, ΑΜΑΖΟΝ ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΩΤΗΣ
Αμερική (com), Αγγλΐα (uk), Γερμανία (de), Γαλλία (fr), Ισπανία (es), Ιταλία (it), Ολλανδία (nl), Πολωνία (pl), Σουηδία (se), Ιαπωνία (jp), Καναδάς (ca), Αυστραλία (au)
Ελληνική έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
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Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ελληνική Έκδοση
Αγγλική Έκδοση
Ανάλυση των 42 εκδόσεων της AMAZON του βιβλίου ΚΑΡΔΙΕΣ ΑΠΟ ΠΕΤΡΑ, θα δείτε εδώ:
Διαβάστε το καινούργιο βιβλίο
του Μάριου Λευθεριώτη
που κυκλοφορεί από την AMAZON, διεθνώς
(είναι μόνο στα Αγγλικά)
ARTISTIC PROFILE - ΚΑΛΛΙΤΕΧΝΙΚΟ ΠΡΟΦΙΛ Marios Lefteriotis - Μάριος Λευτεριώτης Film Director - Photographer short signature name, καλλιτεχνική του υπογραφή : marlef |
![]() | . | ![]() | . | ![]() |
Been Making Films Since the 60s, Now He’s A VR Producer
Marios Leftheriotis: The Present and Future of Cinema
Κάνει φιλμς από την δεκαετία του 60, τώρα είναι παραγωγός σφαιρικών ταινιών Εικονικής Πραγματικότητας VR (Virtual Reality)

Marios Leftheriotis: The Present and Future of Cinema
Κάνει φιλμς από τη δεκαετία του 60. Τώρα είναι παραγωγός ταινιών και φωτογραφιών Εικονικής Πραγματικότητας
Μάριος Λευθεριώτης: Το Παρόν και το Μέλλον του Κινηματογράφου
(κυλίστε προς τα κάτω για να δείτε το άρθρο)
Γιά μετάφραση Ελληνικά και Αγγλικά πηγαίνετε στο
και κυλίστε προς τα κάτω
(Σεπτεμβριος 2017)
(Σεπτεμβριος 2017)
1η Ενότητα,
Σύμπαν, Άνθρωπος, ψυχή,
που αποτελείται από 22 άρθρα.
Ασχολείται με τα θέματα της δημιουργίας του Σύμπαντος και της ύπαρξης Θεού, Ψυχής, και Ελεύθερης Βούλησης στον Άνθρωπο. Περιλαμβάνει όλες τις τελευταίες υπάρχουσες σχετικές θεωρίες, και πλήθος ερευνών που έχουν γίνει, σχετικά με την φύση του ανθρώπινου εγκέφαλου, και τα αναπάντητα μέχρι στιγμής ερωτήματα, που έχει η Επιστήμη για αυτόν, ήτοι. Είναι ο εγκέφαλος ένα όργανο που έχει δύο υποστάσεις, την υλική, και την πνευματική, είναι δηλαδή μιά μηχανή, ένας υπολογιστής, από κρέας και οστά, που όμως, κατευθύνεται από την ψυχή, η οποία έχει την επίγνωση ύπαρξης, δηλαδή το «εγώ», ή, είναι απλώς ένας κρεάτινος υπολογιστής που, άγνωστο πως, απέκτεισε, από μόνος του, επίγνωση ύπαρξης ?
2η Ενότητα,
Μαθήματα Ζωής,
που αποτελείται από 7 άρθρα,
Ασχολείται και περιγράφει αναλυτικά, τα χαρακτηριστικά των τοξικών και αρνητικών ανθρώπων, κατά κατηγορίες περιπτώσεων, ήτοι,
Κλεπτομανία, Φιλαργυρία, Φθόνος, Μανιοκατάθλιψη, Απανθρωπιά, Σαδισμός, Κακία, και η
θεραπεία με την Καλοσύνη,
ώστε να σας βοηθήσει να τους απομονώσετε, πριν σας κάνουν κακό, αφού όμως πρώτα τους υποδείξετε τον τρόπο θεραπείας τους.
3η Ενότητα,
Οι Μεγάλοι Επιστήμονες Μιλούν για τον Θεό,
που αποτελείται από 1 άρθρο.
Περιγράφει αναλυτικά τι έχουν πει για τον Θεό, οι Μεγάλοι Επιστήμονες και Φιλόσοφοι, όλων των εποχών, όπως, οι, Πλάτων, Κοπέρνικος, Κέπλερ, Γαλιλαίος, Καρτέσιος, Νεύτων, Δαρβίνος, Λαπλάς, Παστέρ, Αϊνστάϊν και άλλοι.
Για την συγγραφή των άρθρων αυτών, πέραν των προσωπικών μου γνώσεων και θέσεων, χρησιμοποιήθηκαν και ορισμένες πληροφορίες, και κείμενα, που ελήφθησαν από τον ιστό και διάφορες δημοσιεύσεις. Εάν παρέλειψα να αναφέρω ορισμένες πηγές, παρακαλώ να μου γνωστοποιηθεί αυτό, ώστε να γίνει η σχετική συμπλήρωση.
"Πώς 1,3 κιλά από κρέας, ο εγκέφαλος, δημιουργεί αγάπη, μίσος.."
“Ἡ Κβαντικὴ ψυχή !”
Μπορεί η φυσικὴ επιστήμη μέσα απὸ τὶς πολύπλοκες εξισώσεις της νὰ οδηγηθεί στὴν επιβεβαίωση τής ύπαρξης τής ψυχής;
Εξέχοντες φυσικοὶ ερευνητὲς απὸ διακεκριμένα πανεπιστημιακὰ ιδρύματα όπως αυτὰ του Cambridge, του Princeton και του Max-Plank υποστηρίζουν ότι η κβαντικὴ μηχανικὴ πράγματι προβλέπει ένα είδος μετὰ θάνατον ζωής.
Εξηγούν ότι ένας άνθρωπος είναι δυνατὸν να έχει διπλὴ υπόσταση, σωματικὴ και ψυχικὴ όπως ακριβώς τα υποατομικὰ σωματίδια (φωτόνια καὶ ηλεκτρόνια) τα οποία εκτὸς απὸ σωματίδια είναι και κύματα, είναι δηλαδὴ ταυτόχρονα και ύλη και ενέργεια.
Οι εν λόγω φυσικοὶ πιστεύουν ότι η προέκταση αυτού του φαινομένου στην φύση, της ψυχοσωματικής διχοτομίας είναι εφικτὴ και λογικὴ αφού ο μακρόκοσμος αποτελεί προέκταση του μικρόκοσμου ο ὁποίος διέπεται απὸ τις αρχὲς της κβαντικής μηχανικής.
Ο Δρ. Hans-Peter Durr, πρώην διευθυντὴς του Ινστιτούτου Φυσικής Max-Plank στο Μόναχο εξηγεί ότι όπως ακριβώς ένα σωματίδιο καταγράφει όλες του τις πληροφορίες στην κυματικὴ (ενεργειακή) του κατάσταση, έτσι και ο ανθρώπινος εγκέφαλος λειτουργεί όπως ακριβῶς ένας σκληρὸς δίσκος συνδεδεμένος στο διαδίκτυο, ο οποίος αρχικὰ καταγράφει όλες τις πληροφορίες και αμέσως μετὰ τις μεταφορτώνει στο “σύννεφο” (“cloud”) που στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση είναι το κβαντικὸ ενεργειακὸ (πνευματικὸ) πεδίο.
Συνεχίζοντας με αυτὴ την αναλογία ο καθηγητὴς εξηγεί οτι μετὰ το θάνατο, δηλαδὴ μετὰ την καταστροφὴ του φυσικού σκληρού δίσκου, οι συγκεκριμένες πληροφορίες (το σύνολο των οποίων το ονομάζει ψυχὴ) δεν χάνονται αλλὰ συνεχίζουν να βρίσκονται αποθηκευμένες στο σύμπαν.
Ο Δρ Christian Hellwig απὸ το τμήμα Βιοφυσικής Χημείας του Ινστιτούτου Max Planck στο Γκέτινγκεν, ανακάλυψε στοιχεία που αποδεικνύουν ότι οι πληροφορίες στο κεντρικὸ νευρικό μας σύστημα παρουσιάζουν κωδικοποίηση φάσης η οποία είναι είδος κωδικοποίησης που επιτρέπει σε διαφορετικὰ δεδομένα να καταλάβουν τον ίδιο χώρο στον ίδιο χρόνο.
Ο Δρ. Hellwig δηλώνει ότι αυτού του είδους τα δεδομένα τα οποία αντιστοιχούν στις σκέψεις και συναισθήματά μας τα οποία δεν αλληλεπιδρούν άμεσα με τον υλικό κόσμο παρουσιάζουν ακριβώς τα χαρακτηριστικὰ που διακρίνουν τα αινιγματικὰ και θαυμαστὰ φαινόμενα στον κβαντικὸ κόσμο!
Σε συμφωνία με τη σύνδεση των πνευματικών χαρακτηριστικών του ανθρώπου με την κβαντική μηχανική, ο Stuart Hameroff, Ομότιμος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Αναισθησιολογίας και Ψυχολογίας και Διευθυντής του Κέντρου Μελετών Συνειδητότητας στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Αριζόνα και ο Sir Roger Penrose, μαθηματικός και φυσικός στο Ινστιτούτο Μαθηματικών του Wadham College του Πανεπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης είχαν πριν από περίπου 30 χρόνια (1996) προτείνει μια θεωρία σύμφωνα με την οποία η συνολική λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου προέρχεται από κβαντικές δονήσεις που λαμβάνουν χώρα μέσα στους μικροσωληνίσκους των νευρικών κυττάρων του εγκεφάλου.
Οι μικροσωληνίσκοι αποτελούν βασικό δομικό στοιχείο του κυτταρικού σκελετού και βρίσκονται σε όλο το κυτταρόπλασμα. Αυτοί οι σωληνοειδείς σχηματισμοί που μπορεί να φτάσουν μέχρι και 50μm μήκος παίζουν μεγάλο ρόλο σε μια πληθώρα κυτταρικών διαδικασιών, όπως στη διατήρηση της δομής του κυττάρου, στην ενδοκυτταρική μεταφορά στην ρύθμιση της κίνησης των εκκριτικών κυστιδίων και οργανιδίων καθώς και στο διαχωρισμό των χρωμοσωμάτων κατά τη διάρκεια της κυτταρικής διαίρεσης.
Αυτό που σε τελική ανάλυση οι δύο διακεκριμένοι επιστήμονες πρότειναν στην επιστημονική κοινότητα (η οποία αντέδρασε με φοβερή αρνητικότητα) είναι η ιδέα του ότι αυτό που ονομάζουμε συνείδηση (και οι χριστιανοί ψυχή) είναι στην πραγματικότητα ένας κβαντικός υπολογιστής φτιαγμένος από τα πρωτογενή “νήματα” μιάς άφθαρτης δημιουργίας και πως ο εγκέφαλος δεν είναι τίποτε άλλο από ένα όργανο που δρα απλά ως ενισχυτής του κβαντικού “αθάνατου” αυτού υπολογιστή.
Όταν δε ο εγκέφαλος καταστραφεί με το θάνατο, το σύνολο της πληροφορίας και υπόστασης του κβαντικού αυτού υπολογιστή δε χάνεται αλλά παραμένει ενσωματωμένο στο άφθαρτο σύμπαν από το οποίο προήλθε και του οποίου είναι αναπόσπαστο μέρος.
Το 2013 η ομάδα του Anirban Bandyopadhyay στο Εθνικό Ινστιτούτο Επιστήμης Υλικών στην Tsukuba της Ιαπωνίας, πράγματι ΑΝΙΧΝΕΥΣΕ ΚΒΑΝΤΙΚΕΣ ΔΟΝΗΣΕΙΣ ΜΕΣΑ ΣΕ ΜΙΚΡΟΣΩΛΗΝΙΣΚΟΥΣ, ΕΠΑΛΗΘΕΥΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΘΕΩΡΙΑ ΤΩΝ HAMEROFF ΚΑΙ PENROSE και επαναφέροντάς την στο προσκήνιο προς έκπληξη της επιστημονικής κοινότητας που εξακολουθούσε να παραμένει πεισματικά στην άρνηση, χωρίς απόδειξη.
Αυτή η ιστορία έρχεται προς απάντηση όλων των άθεων επιστημόνων που υποστηρίζουν ότι είμαστε μόνο ύλη και ότι δεν υπάρχει ψυχή, που είναι βέβαιοι πως ο,τι δεν βλέπουν και δεν μπορούν να μετρήσουν δεν υπάρχει και που είναι βέβαιοι ότι η επιστήμη, τελικά, κατάφερε να σκοτώσει τον Θεό!
Κάθε φορά επαναλαμβάνεται το ίδιο σενάριο, ο Θεός αποκαλύπτει, η “επιστήμη” αρνείται και, τελικά, πάντα η όντως Επιστήμη επαληθεύει αυτό που ο Θεός εξ αρχής απεκάλυψε. Είναι απορίας άξιο πότε τελικά η ανθρωπότητα θα αρχίσει να μαθαίνει από τα λάθη της για να επαναρχίση να σέβεται τον Δημιουργό της...
Κώστας Βουγάς
Μοριακός Βιολόγος
Σχετικές πληροφορίες
Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Evidence of massive global synchronization and the consciousness: comment on “Consciousness in the universe: a review of the ‘Orch OR’theory” by Hameroff and Penrose
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Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory by S. Hameroff; R. Penrose
"The Great Scientists Talk About God"
https://www.facebook.com/1629758207/posts/10223336629957215/?d=I n
"God always measures"
"God created the world in divine harmony, as expressed by the musical scale"
Nikolaos Copernicus, 1473-1543
(priest, supporter of the heliocentric system)
- "Astronomy is the pinnacle of all spiritual arts and should be considered the most noble occupation of the free man, of all branches of mathematics. As is the case with all the noble arts to guard against evil, and the human spirit to deal with better things, this astronomy must do to a greater extent. This is because it gives great pleasure to the spirit. For who does not see the inner and complete order, which is guided by divine wisdom and is not pushed to the heights and should not admire the Architect of all things, in whom there is the highest bliss and all good?
Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626
- "only a small drink from the glass of philosophy may lead to atheism; but stronger aspirations return to religion"
- "Only semi-learning turns away from God, while true science leads to Him"
- "God does not work miracles to convince atheists, because even his ordinary works can convince"
- "That there is a God and he always rules, that he is omnipotent and wise and always good foresight, that he rewards the deeds of each and is worthy of worship, all these are understood by the physical mind and constitute the content of natural theology"
- "All life must be dominated by love, the willing devotion to the common good, which is required by both the natural law and the Gospel; it elevates man to God and bestows on the soul the supreme kindness"
- "Discoveries are in a way new creations and imitations of divine works"
Kepler John, 1571-1630,
(named the "Legislator of Heaven")
- "I consider as an order of the Divine Providence that exactly on my arrival (near Tychonos Brahe) Aris had been searched. Through the movement of this star we must reach the secrets of astronomy or remain in constant ignorance "(wrote in 1609)
- "I consider it a right, in fact a duty to carefully research the numbers, the masses, the weights and the rule, according to which the omniscient Creator created everything. Because the secrets of his plan are not such that their research is forbidden, but much more they are presented to us as a mirror in front of our eyes, so that, when we examine them, we can see the kindness and wisdom of the Creator. " .
- "I lost a lot of time in this quest, in this game with numbers, but I could not find a class in either the numerical proportions or the deviations of these proportions. Finally, on a completely insignificant opportunity, I approached reality (…). I always prayed to God to make my plans succeed, if what Copernicus had said was true "(in the Preface to Mysterium Cosmographicum 1597)
- “Great is our Lord and great is his power and his wisdom, he is not a number. Bless this heavens, bless this sun, moon and wanderer, in every sense of understanding, in every tongue to address your Creator. Bless him, heavenly harmonies, bless him, the hearers of the great harmonies. Long live my soul, Lord your Creator, as long as I exist. That from Him and through Him and in Him everything, both the senses and the minds; both those we ignore and those we know-a small part of them. Because so far most are hereafter. This is the blood, the honor and the glory to the ages of the ages. Amen "(epilogue to his work" Harmony of the World ")
- "The celestial movements are nothing more than an eternal song for many voices. We should not be surprised, then, if man, imitating his Creator, finally discovered the art of chanting, which the ancients did not know "(in the book The Harmony of the World 1618)
- “So far everything I could think about the creative work of God reaches here. Now I have no duty to remove eyes and hands from the manuscript, to raise them to heaven to reverently and humbly beg the Father of heavenly lights. O Sy, who arouses in us the desire for the natural light of knowledge; Sy, who turns us to the light of the stars, to help us and lead us to the state of your glory. I thank you, O Lord my God, because you rejuvenate me through your wonderful works and because I rejoice in the works of your hands. "
- “I am a Christian; I was taught the faith by my parents. I embraced her, constantly researching her foundations with daily questions, and I hold on to her. I never learned to pretend. I take faith seriously and do not play with it "(letter of 1598)
- "We are all (and even I) ephemeral. I, indeed, hasten to publish these as soon as possible, to the glory of God, through anyone who wants to know himself from the book of nature. The more others want to build on them after that, the happier I will be; I will not envy at all. These sounded to God. I have this certain opinion. I wanted to be a theologian. I am very sorry about that. But behold, God is glorified in astronomy by me. Finally, after Peter, I exclaim: "It came out of me that I am a sinner" (letter to Maistlin)
- "(to succeed) so that the faith in the creation of things is fixed with this external support, so that the nature of the creative mind becomes known and His inexhaustible wisdom proves to us every day. In such a way that man can measure the powers of his mind and understand with the exact rule, since God has created everything in the whole world based on quantity, and even this mind, which was given to man and which he arrests such "(letter)
- "When I work in creation, it is like touching God with my hands"
- "Astronomers as priests of God in the book of science, must firmly keep in mind not the glory of their own reason, but above all else the glory of God" (letter to Herwart)
- "If the mind is stripped of the ideas of the divine things, it ends up in simple denials"
- "My desire is to be able to discern God, whom I find everywhere in the outside world, in the same way and within myself" (in World History of Culture, W. Durant volume G pp. 658-659)
"Astronomy has an illegitimate daughter, astrology, but she has to feed her mother!" "(Astrology) is the baby (fool) daughter of the respected and cognitive mother of astronomy"
- "When I lived I counted the heavens, now the deserts are dark.
The spirit came from God, the black earth does not overshadow it "
(inscription on his tomb, which he wrote himself)
Galileo 1564-1642
- "The uncle architect first created the Sun and placed it in a permanent position, then he did not form the planets in space and let them from their position to carry around the attractive Sun… Thus the planet falls while , each of them, from such a movement and gave a circular orbit "
"I must tell you something I heard from a famous ecclesiastical man of my day, Cardinal Baron: 'The Holy Spirit intends to teach us how one goes to heaven, not how the heavens move.'
- "Philosophy is written in this great book, which is constantly before our eyes (I mean the Universe), but we can not understand it, if we do not first learn the language and if we do not grasp the characters with whom it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics and the characters are triangles, circles and other geometric shapes, without which it is humanly impossible to understand even a word of it and without them one wanders aimlessly in a dark labyrinth "(in the work of Il Saggiatore 1623)
- "I tend to believe that the authority of the Bible is to convince people of these truths, which are necessary for their salvation and which, far from being understood by man, can not be trusted with every learning or any other means than by revelation from the Holy Spirit. But to say that God, who endowed us with senses, logic and understanding, does not allow us to use them and wants to communicate to us in any other way this knowledge, which we are able to acquire on our own through these possibilities, this seems impossible to me to believe, especially with regard to those sciences, for which the Bible contains few passages and varied conclusions. And this is exactly what is happening with astronomy, about which so little is mentioned, that even the planets are not all listed "(Letter to Castelli)
- "I do not feel compelled to believe that the very God who endowed us with intellect, reason and intellect wanted to give up its use" (World History of Culture, Will Durant vol. G p. 666)
- "The Bible and the phenomena of nature proceed in the same way from the Holy Word, the first as the dictation of the Holy Spirit and the second as the observant executor of God's commands" (Letter to the Grand Duchess)
- «(after the destruction of his sight in 1638). This universe, which I have traveled through a thousand times, τώρα is now confined to the minimum space of my body. That's what God wanted it to be; that's why I have to accept it "(World Cultural History, Will Durant, vol. 7, p. 671)
Descartes 1596-1650
(mathematician, physicist and philosopher)
- "From the fact that I exist and have the representation of a being of perfection, I deduce very actively (= clearly) the existence of God".
- "I think, so I exist".
"I think, so there is a God"
- "If there are still people who are not convinced enough about the existence of God and their soul, let them know that all other things, which they think may be more certain, such as that they have a body and that the Earth and stars and the like, are less certain ".
- "When God created me, he put this idea in me, so that it would be like the mark of the Creator, engraved on his work λω I want to examine, if I myself, who have this idea of God, could I exist, if there was no God. And I wonder, where would I have my existence? It is obvious that I do not owe my existence to myself, because if I were able to give myself existence, I would simultaneously give all the perfections I lack… Do I come from my parents? But they are not the ones who keep me or make me think. If I continue to think like this, from cause to cause, I will find the last cause; and this cause is God. "
- "The general cause of motion can obviously be none other than God, who in the beginning created matter and motion and its calmness at the same time, so that as many states of motion and stillness are maintained in the world as they originally had them. create ".
- "God exists; and this conclusion is no less clear and obvious than that number two is perfect. But in this case we must be free from any prejudice, have the power to distract our spirit from our senses, and the power to free ourselves from arrogance and the spirit of contradiction. "
- "Existence can no longer be separated from the meaning of God, just as the fact that the angles of the triangle are equal to two right angles can not be separated from the meaning of the triangle"
Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626
- "Only semi-learning turns away from God, while true science leads to Him"
- "God does not work miracles to convince atheists, because even his ordinary works can convince"
Pascal Vlasios, Blaise Pascal 1623-1662,
(great mathematician and philosopher)
- "Not only do we know God only through Jesus Christ, but we also do not know ourselves without Jesus. We do not know life, death, except through Jesus. Far from Jesus we know neither what our life is, nor death, nor God, nor ourselves. Without the Bible, which has Jesus Christ as its object, we know nothing and see nothing but darkness and confusion in the nature of God and in our own nature.
- "No one is as happy as the true Christian, neither rational, nor virtuous, nor beloved"
- "I raise my hands to my Redeemer, who after prophesying for four thousand years, came to die and die for me on earth, in the time and under the conditions they had prophesied; and by his grace I await death in peace , in the hope that I will unite with him forever. But I still live with joy, either in the goods that he is pleased to give me, or in the unpleasant things that he sends me for my own good and that he taught me to suffer by His example. "
- "Nature presents perfections, to show that it is an image of God, and defects, to show that it is only an image of God"
(Thoughts (416) p. 162, published by Kastaniotis)
Boyle, R. Boyle, 1627-1691
(the father of analytical chemistry)
"The Gospel indeed contains and develops the whole mystery of the redemption of man, as much as it is necessary to know in order to be saved."
"All the books of the world, even the best among them, compared to the Bible, are but planets, having all their light and all their splendor from the Sun."
- "The general view of things is done with the light of nature and is perfected by the information of the Scriptures"
- "No matter how wonderful art God has displayed throughout the universe, the eyes that stubbornly close and the insult can not understand it by not judging worthily what they see. "Animals live in the world and enjoy it; man, if he wants to do something more, must study it and spiritualize it."
"God having infinite knowledge and being the creator of our reason, it is impossible to assume that he forces us to admit contradictions."
- "It is difficult to give a satisfactory account of natural phenomena without acknowledging a Creator Mind"
- "The consideration of the size, beauty and normal movements of the celestial bodies; the excellent construction of animals and plants; yet a host of other natural phenomena and the subjugation of most of them to man lead him as a rational creature to conclude that this great, beautiful, normal, and in many ways wonderful system of things, which we call the world, was constructed by a Creator who is extremely powerful, wise, and good; this can hardly be denied by an intelligent and unprejudiced scholar. "
Leibniz 1646-1716
(physicist and philosopher)
- "God is pleased with the odd numbers"
- "Jesus Christ, the divine Founder of the purest and most enlightened religion; the end that Moses had begun, wanted the deity to be not only the object of our fear and respect, but also of our love and affection. So he made people happy in advance and gave them here on earth a taste of future bliss. Because there is nothing more enjoyable than loving something that is worthy of love. Love is the mental mood, which makes us find pleasure in the perfections of the one we love. And there is nothing more perfect than God, nothing more lovable. To love him, it is enough to gaze at his perfections; which is easy, because we find in him his ideas. The perfections of God are those of our soul, but he possesses them without limits. It is an ocean, from which we have taken only drops. There is some power within us, some knowledge, some goodness; but there are all of them in God. The class, the proportions, the harmony excite us; examples of this are painting and music; God is the whole class, he always observes the accuracy of the proportions, he makes the world harmony; Preface to the Essay on Theodicy)
- "Reason for agreement of faith and logic. …. The distinction between the one who is irrational (super-logical) and the one who is irrational (irrational) ότι Because the one who is irrational is against the absolutely certain truths and necessary; and that which is in favor of reason is contrary only to the usual facts of experience or perception. That's why I'm surprised that there are people of the spirit who are fighting this discrimination… It is certainly very well founded. A truth is in favor of reason, when our mind (or any mind created) cannot comprehend it; and such are in my opinion, the Holy Trinity, such are the miracles which are works of God alone, such as the Creation… But a truth could never be contrary to logic… There are no reasons, however seemingly, that oppose faith, that is, against certainty or against trust in God, with which we can and we must say that God created everything properly. The objections are not unresolved at all. They contain nothing but prejudices and truths, which are refuted by incomparably stronger reasons. our usual superficial and superficial knowledge, when it is contrary to the mysteries. Such a rejection is not at all contrary to logic, since even in the natural things we very often come out of the deception of outsiders through experience or for reasons of superiors πίσ Faith triumphs over false words with strong and superior reasons, which make us to embed it "
- "From the supreme perfection of God it follows that, when he created the universe, he chose the best possible design, which included the greatest variety, in combination with the greatest possible order; the best arrangement in terms of situation, place and time; the greatest possible result by the simplest means; the most power, knowledge, happiness and goodness in the creations, that the universe could fit. Because, since all possible things have the right to exist in the understanding of God, depending on their degree of perfection, the result of all these rights must be this most perfect possible existing world. ”World History of Culture, Will Durant vol.
- "I always start as a philosopher, but I always end as a theologian" (ibid. P. 757)
- "I believe that this is where we must seek the beginning of all beings and the laws of nature; because God always proposes to us the best and the most perfect. He does not do anything by chance and does not look like us, to whom sometimes he misses what is best. All who see the wonderful structure of animals end up knowing the wisdom of the creator of things; and those who have a sense of mercy and a certain sensitivity to true philosophy, I advise them not to listen to the theories of some supposedly powerful spirits, according to which we see because we have eyes, without the eyes being made to see "(in" Metaphysical Dialogue ")
- "And God is a craftsman, who has sufficient skills to create a machine a thousand times more intelligent than that of our body, without using anything other than a fairly simple liquid, which will have been created so that the ordinary laws of nature in order to develop it properly, in order to produce such a wonderful result; but it is also true that this would not have happened if the creator of nature had not been God ”(ibid.)
- "Thus the universe is somehow multiplied as many times as the substances and the glory of God is multiplied in the same way by the many representations - all different - of his work. We can also say that every substance somehow carries within it the character of the infinite wisdom and omnipotence of God and that it imitates him as much as it can "(ibid.)
Newton Isaac 1643-1727
(the "father of physics and celestial engineering")
- "He is blind who does not immediately see in the excellent and wisest order of beings, the infinite wisdom and goodness of the almighty Creator, and a baby (= fool) he who does not confess"
- "God rules all things and knows all things, that exist and those that can exist… He is present in all places, he is more capable with the will to move bodies through his unlimited and uniform sense and through of this way of shaping and reshaping the parts of the universe, even though we can move the parts of our own body with our will ”(in his work Optics)
- “For it was [God] who created them [the people] to put them in order. And, since he did so, it is not philosophical to look for any other Origin of the Universe or to pretend that it arose from Chaos with the Laws of Nature alone "(in his work Optics)
- "This extremely beautiful system of the Sun, of the planets and comets, can only come from the thought and domination of a thinking and omnipotent Existence. And if the fixed stars are the centers of other, similar systems, then all these, having been created by a wise counselor, must be subject to the dominion of the One αυτό This Being rules everything, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all… God is omnipotent and omnipresent and through his existence everywhere and always creates time and space "(in the work Principia)
- "It certainly belongs to natural philosophy, to deal with God from the phenomena of nature" (in the work Principia)
- "The Universe exists. By its very existence it is presented as a miraculous event, which presupposes an infinite power within it. A whole larger than any part. One unit I kept and composed all the worlds in one. The miracle does not consist in the lack of connecting links from cause to cause, but in the very existence of the chain of phenomena. This is the bottomless mystery, the indisputable miracle we know, which leads us to the attributes of God "(in the work of" Principia "Ancient)
- "In the normal motion of the planets and their satellites, in their direction, in their plan, in the degree of velocity of each of them there is the seal of some purpose or the testimony of the energy of a cause, which is neither blind nor accidental, but extremely skilled in engineering and geometry Do not doubt this. It is absurd to assume that blind need dominates the universe, because blind need, always the same, cannot produce the variety of things we see. It is certain that the present motions of the planets cannot come from the energy of gravity alone. In order to make a rotational motion around the sun, they need an arm uncle to push them on the tangent to their orbit "(letter to Bentley)
- "In this regard, one can say that God was always present during the creation of the world and gave him a certain order. Indeed, God chose the most perfect world, that is, the one which at the same time presented the greatest simplicity and with the conditions of richer phenomena in it, such as would have a geometric line, which would be easily constructed and whose properties would be many and admirable. With this analogy I do not want to present an image of divine wisdom, which can not be fully described and to indicate what our spirit can offer to this great truth ".
- "The notion that the world is a giant machine, which proceeds without the intervention of God, like a clock that continues to work without the watchmaker's contribution, is the notion of materialism and fatalism, and tends (under the pretext that it makes God a supernatural intellect) to actually exclude Divine Providence and God's sovereignty in the world "
"I do not know how I might look in the world. But I see myself as a child, playing on the beach and having fun sometimes finding a smoother pebble or a shell more beautiful than usual, while the great ocean of truth stretches completely unexplored in front of me "
- "If I saw farther than other men, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants"
- "Physics, beware of Metaphysics"
- "Here lies Isaac Newton, - who with his great spirit explored planets, - the orbits of comets, the floods of the sea. - He was the first to analyze the light rays - and the colors gave exquisite images. - He also studied ancient writings of Nature - and diligently entered the Holy Scriptures. - With life, his works showed us the way, - how to honor the divine forger - faithful to the Gospel, a holy book. - Joy to the mortal race to have such ornaments "
(Inscription on Newton's tomb)
Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790
(Lightning Inventor and American Politician)
- "With God's help I was brought during the long period of my life in such a way that no one has the right to say: Benjamin Franklin wronged me"
- "We lost a parent, an invaluable and beloved friend. But this is the will of God; our bodies to be rejected when the soul is about to enter into real life. "Our existence on earth just deserves the name life λοιπόν So why not rejoice, when a new person is called to eternity, to become a member of the happy society of the immortals?"
- "Here lies the body of Benjamin Franklin, a printer, like the cover of an old book, with torn leaves, erased letters and gilding, north of the worms. But the text of the book will not be lost, because it will appear, as he believes, in a new edition, more beautiful, corrected and revised by the Poet "(words on his tombstone which he wrote himself)
- “Nee, I advise you to cultivate your acquaintance with the Bible and to believe ruthlessly in its teachings. That's your safe haven. "
- "Gentlemen! Let us pray. I have reached an old age, and the longer I live, the clearer I see that the cause of mankind is directed by God… How can a country be sustained and strengthened without His help? The Bible assures us that if the Lord did not build a house, the builders would have toiled in vain. "
Herschel B. Herschel William 1738-1822
(astronomer who discovered many planetary satellites)
"The wider the field of science, the more numerous the proofs of the existence of an omnipotent creative Pansophy"
Laplace P. Laplace P, 1749-1827
(French astronomer and mathematician)
- "What we know is something very small, but what we do not know, is maximum!" (wrote it over his bed)
- "the larger and wider the area of exploration, the larger the borders of the unknown" (quoted by G. Gamow)
- “I pray to God to guard your life. Always have Him present in your mind, like your father and mother… "(letter to his son 17/7/1809)
- "The probability of such an event (= creation by chance) is one in trillions of possible cases. "The solar system is not the result of luck, which is a much greater probability than most historical events."
- "Such phenomena, so extraordinary, can not have arisen by chance. Mathematically calculating their probability we find that this probability is one in at least 200 trillion possible cases. So these are not the result of luck, which is a much higher probability than most historical events that no one doubts. We must therefore believe, at least with the same conviction, that some cause directed the motions of the planets "(Exposition du systeme du Monde, 1796 p. 449)
Davy, Davy Humphry 1778-1829
(great English chemist and physicist, the father of electrochemistry).
- “In my youth I was a skeptic. And I think this is the case with most young people who have studied and talked a little bit and are used to putting some mathematical rigor into their way of thinking. But by observing the nature of the mental qualities of animals in comparison with those of man, and by examining the wonders of instinct, I became faithful. One day the idea came to me that instinct has been replaced in man by the energy of God in our souls and with this belief faith was further strengthened… The true chemist sees the energy of God in all the various forms of the external world ».
"I do not envy anyone for any gift of heart or mind, whether it is called genius or ability and imagination. But if I were to choose, I would prefer the faith of a pious heart to all other gifts. It makes life a school of holiness, builds new hopes, and when all earthly hope is lost, it diffuses its bright rays onto the withering and destruction of earthly existence. Faith is what causes life from death and hymn among the ruins. It can make torture and the cross of obscenity heavenly guides to paradise; even where the man of the senses and the coward sees only darkness, destruction and despair, faith can fill the spirit with the taste of a world of peace and of eternal joy, to which the phalanx of the victors and the blessed marches under palm trees and amaranths "
Lamarck, J.B. Lamarck 1744-1829
- "Man, if we consider only his body, could be descended from the higher apes, so called humanoids, but his logic elevates him much higher than intelligent animals, gives him a special place and proves that the its origin is different from that of animals ".
- "They said that nature is God. Strange thing! They confused between the watchmaker and the watchmaker, the workman and the craftsman. Of course this idea is consistent and has no depth. The power that created nature undoubtedly has no limits, it can not submit to its will and is independent of any law. "She alone can change her nature and her laws; she alone can annihilate them."
- "Nature without being an intellect, without being a being, but a class of things that constitute a force everywhere subject to laws, nature, I say, is not God. It is the wonderful product of his omnipotent will… The man who studies the game of natural forces admires, say, the divine movements, because the will of God is expressed everywhere by the execution of the laws of nature, as long as these laws come from from him"
Gauss, K. Gauss 1777-1855
(according to some the greatest mathematician of all time)
- "There is in this world the enjoyment of the mind, which is satisfied in science, and the enjoyment of the heart, which relieves man from toil and suffering. But if the task of the supreme Being is to bring creatures to life, to cultivate these pleasures, and to disappear after 80 or 90 years, the plan would be pitiful. Suppose the soul lived 80 or 90 thousand years. If it was ever to disappear, this time is a simple moment, as it will finally pass. And yet our soul tends to immortality and infinity. From this one must accept the opinion in favor of which, in addition to the rigorous scientific foundation, so many other things argue; us. We will become shareholders of this world ".
- "I wish you well, my dear. The dream we call life must be sweeter to you. To be a foretaste of real life in our own homeland, in which the living spirit will not bring the chain of the body, the utensil of space, the scourge of earthly pains and where it will not be pressed by the temptations of our smallest needs and desires . Let us carry the burden to the end with courage and without grumbling, without forgetting at all that highest purpose. We will be full of joy, when the last hours of our lives will mean, to lay down the burden, and we will see everything perishable leave us "
- "The question of whether there is a Creator Ruler of the Universe is completely separate. And this question is answered in the affirmative by the great spirits who have lived through the centuries "(in" On the Origin of Man ")
- "Both (acts) of genesis, both of the species and of individuals, are, in exactly the same way, parts of that great logical sequence of events, which in no way can our spirit accept as result of blind luck "(in The Origin of Man)
- "μορ the increasingly beautiful and admirable forms [as a product] of various forces… originally blown by the Creator in a few forms or only in one" (The Origin of Species, vol. 2, p. 207)
- "The issue of my religious beliefs is important only for me. But because you ask me, I answer that my views on this issue change many times. If one is to be called a theist, it depends on the meaning we give to the word; )
Pasteur Louis, Pasteur L. 1822-1895
(great chemist and biologist)
- "God wanted, as through my persistent work, to add a little stone to the edifice of our knowledge on the deep mysteries of life and death" (letter to his father)
- "The more I study nature, the more I am surprised by the works of the Creator. I pray during my work in my laboratory "
"Science should be limited to the observation of events and not go beyond the circle of reality; but I can not understand why the followers of positive philosophy strive to exclude from the study of the human mind, the most important of all events," the most positive of all knowledge, the idea of Infinity… The height of human actions depends on the ideas from which they were inspired. Blessed is he who carries within himself the uncle, the idea of the good, the ideal of art, of science, of the homeland, the ideal of the virtues of the Gospel. These are the living sources of the great works, which are illuminated by the rays of Infinity μαι I wonder in the name of which new philosophical or scientific discovery can we uproot from the human soul these high preoccupations? I consider them eternal "(on 27-4-1882)
- "There will come a day when they will laugh at the stupidity of modern philosophy"
- "The automatic genesis of tiny beings is a chimera. No! Today there is no known case in which we can confirm that tiny creatures came into the world without sperm and parents that were similar to these creatures. "Those who claim the existence of automatic genesis have been fooled by their imagination or deceived by misguided experiments, in which there were errors that they could not perceive or which they could not have avoided." "Everybody is alive"
- "Science should not worry at all about the philosophical consequences of its work. If, with the progress of my experimental research, I could prove that matter can be organized on its own in a cell or in an embryo, I would immediately declare it with the justified pride of an inventor, who has a clear conscience, that we have made a great discovery. And if they challenged me I would add: so much the worse for those whose principles, theories and systems do not agree with the truth of natural facts! With the same pride I said to you a moment ago, rejecting the efforts made by my opponents to overturn my conclusions: In the current state of science the theory of automatic generation is a chimera. And with the same independence of opinion I add: so much the worse for those whose philosophical or political principles are hindered by my studies! "
- "Science has neither religion nor homeland" inscription about which Pasteur said: "If science has neither religion nor homeland, but scientists have both religion and homeland"
"I would gladly give all my glory as a scientist for a crumb of the glory of Anthony the Great, who could not even read."
Thomas Edison 1847-1931
(American inventor and businessman. Among his best known inventions are the microphone, the phonograph and the light bulb)
- "We have not even begun to understand even one percent for ninety-nine percent of anything"
G. Marconi 1874-1937
(1909 Nobel Prize for wireless telegraphy)
- "Science alone can not explain many things, and above all the greatest of all mysteries, the mystery of our existence. Who we are; Where do we come from? For what purpose do we come to life? From the moment man began to think, he devoted himself to the research of these problems, and yet they remain unsolved to this day. I proudly declare that I am faithful. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe in this not only as a faithful Christian, but also as a scientist. "
- "Every man of science knows that there are mysteries unsolved. Only the belief in a Higher Being, a belief that demands our obedience, gives us the courage to bravely undertake the study of the secrets of life. With the help of God, who puts so many mysterious forces of nature at the disposal of humanity, I was able to prepare this instrument, which gives the faithful of the whole world the opportunity to hear the words of the Holy Father (= the Pope) " (during the installation of a Radio Station in the Vatican on 12-2-1931)
- When Marconi introduced the shortwave on the radio, the first phrases he uttered were: "Let your will be born - save us from the wicked".
Werner von Braun 1912-1977
(the famous rocket manufacturer)
- "And this beautiful planet, the Earth, is as much a part of the kingdom of God as the empty spaces around us, like all the other stars and planets of the universe. He instilled in our hearts the curiosity about the world around us and He enabled us to acquire the scientific knowledge and technical ability to satisfy it. If God really wanted us to stay on earth, I am sure he would have set an insurmountable barrier and discouraged all our efforts to overcome it. But there is no proof of a barrier θηκε He entrusted to man the whole creation "
- "I believe that space exploration will improve the existence of man on earth, morally and spiritually. The more we learn about Creation, the more we will know about the Creator. The human spirit is imbued with the thirst for the ultimate truth and the exploration of Space represents the human mind, working at the zenith of its knowledge. As our knowledge of the functioning of the infinite and majestic Universe increases, it is only possible for our respect for its Creator to increase ", (interview 1967 in Greece)
- "Science and religion are not competitors, but sisters. Both delve into the highest truth. Science helps to reveal more about the Creator through His Creation… The more we delve into the study of Space, the greater our faith… »
"No matter how much man works in the scientific world, nothing can be achieved without faith. If faith has promoted and helped someone in life, beat me. " "Of course there are times of doubt and embarrassment and I wonder if I am on the right track. In these cases I draw strength as I ask and receive help from God "
- "I know that no scientific invention will necessarily bring about a change in the relationship between God and man. A scientist sees the seal of God everywhere he goes. "
"The reason I believe in God is clear. Everything in the world is made with order and organization and requires a builder, a designer. The Universe encompasses so much order, so much perfection and precision, that it can only be the result of a divine plan. There must be a Creator behind him for sure. There is no other way for me "(asked by the New York Journal American)
Sir Fred Hoyle 1915-2001
(famous English astronomer, not religious)
- "In order to avoid the question of creation, it would be necessary for all the matter of the Universe to be of infinite age, which cannot be the case.… Hydrogen is constantly converted into sun and other elements. entirely from hydrogen? If matter were infinite age, this would be completely impossible. We therefore find that, since the Universe has these characteristics, it is not possible to bypass the question of creation "(in" The Nature of the Universe ")
- "An interpretation of the data based on common sense, suggests that some super-intellect has played with physics, as well as chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces in nature that are worthwhile. "The numbers that come from calculating the data seem so shocking to me that they place this possibility almost out of research." (Hoyle, F. 1982. The Universe: Past and Present Reflections. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics: 20:16.)
"I do not think there is a scientist who would investigate the evidence for the effects of the laws of nuclear physics on the formation of the interior of the stars, and would not conclude that they were intentionally designed. If so, then my seemingly random tricks are part of a deeper plan. If not, then we are back to the beginning of a monstrous sequence of random events "(cited in Barrow and Tipler, Principle, p. 22).
Gould Stephen Jay, 1941-2002
(famous paleontologist biologist, declared an atheist)
- "Let me say this for all my colleagues for the millionth time: Science can not, with its legal methods, judge the issue of the supervision of nature by God. We can neither confirm nor deny this. If some of our syndicate (meaning Richard Dawkins, an atheist) make statements that Darwinism abolishes God, I will find Mrs. McInerney (Gould's teacher) to give them the stick in their fingers. Science can only work with naturalistic explanations. It can neither affirm nor deny other kinds of actors (such as God) in other realms (the realm of morality, for example). Forget the philosophy for a minute. The simple experience of the last 100 years would suffice. Darwin himself was an agnostic (having lost his religious beliefs with the tragic death of his beloved daughter), but the great American botanist Asa Gray, who favored natural selection and wrote a book called Darwiniana, was a devout Christian. Go 50 Years Ahead: Charles D. Walcott, who discovered the Burges Shale fossils, was a staunch Darwinist and equally steadfast Christian who believed that God had made the natural choice to build the story of life according to His plans and intentions. . Proceed for another 50 years to the two greatest evolutionists of our generation: G.G. Simpson was a humanist agnostic, Theodosius Dobzhansky is a devout Russian Orthodox. "Either half of my colleagues are terribly stupid or else Darwinism is completely compatible with traditional religious beliefs - and just as compatible with atheism."
(in The Language of God, Francis S. Colins, published by Papazisis 2009 p. 148 where the reference is)
Francis Crick 1916-2004
(English biologist Nobel Prize 1962, declared an atheist)
- "There is a higher power, which directs the life and behavior of animal systems and which can not be explained by our scientific beliefs"
Peacock Arthur, Peacock Arthur 1924-2006
(biochemical and Anglican priest)
- "from the existence of the kind of universe we actually have, in the light of the natural sciences, [it is appropriate] to deduce the existence of a Creator God as the best explanation for all that exists forever" (Theory for a Scientific Age… p. 134)
Robert Jastrow, 1925-2008
(Astronomer natural cosmologist)
"It is not a matter of another year, another decade of work, another measurement or another theory. At this moment it seems that Science will never be able to lift the veil of the mystery of creation. "
- "For the scientist who has lived with faith in the power of cause, history ends like a bad dream.
He has climbed the mountain of ignorance.
He is ready to conquer the highest peak.
And as he climbs the last rock, he is greeted by a group of theologians, who have been sitting there for centuries!
(Robert Jastrow, Cod and the Astronomers, Warner books, April 1980, p. 105)
Weizsaecker C, Weizsaecker Charles, 1920-2015,
- "θα We fight, because we all have anxieties and worries. We must not have any anxiety. When the Beggar comes, the Spirit of truth will lead us all to all truth. This happens every day between us; it can happen if we open up. And it is possible. In this world you will have anguish, but you will be comforted, because I have overcome the world. This is a fact "(in his speech at a Temple in 1974)
- "Today's science, as a science, knows what it does not know. That is why science is restrained and cautious in the face of general views about the essence of all beings… We have before us a supreme scientific position, in which, to be honest, science also means what one does not know. We ask questions, to which we must admit that, as we think scientifically today, we can not answer. "
- "For me, Christianity is not really a teaching about theism, or anything like that, but first and foremost it is the word of the Lord on the Mount. If one turns to this preaching, one might say that one is trying to be a Christian. "
George Paxinos, the internationally renowned Greek neuroscientist (publicly declared an atheist)
- Here are some typical excerpts from the speech of "Know thyself" in 2017 in Athens:
- "There are three big unanswered questions about the Universe:
How BigBan was made
How the first cell was created and
How matter became aware of its existence,
that is, this table, this podium,
he realized that he exists and began to fall in love etc "
- "Science will never prove that there is no soul"
- "If the mind rules the brain, then there is freedom of will and therefore, dignity and responsibility. If inversely the brain rules the mind, then a stormy conclusion follows, there is no free will, no praise, no reproach, no hell. "
- "For" knowing him "it is worth knowing whether we are slaves of our genes and our environment, slaves of yesterday or vice versa, architects of our destiny"
"The best term to describe neuroscientists studying consciousness, mind and free will is: 'confused', they do not know what is happening to consciousness!"
- "For what I will tell you, most scientists embrace them, but it is not excluded that the minority is right .. In science, almost nothing is ever proven .."
(here is the lecture you can see by clicking on the link mentioned in the bibliography)
Albert Einstein 1879-1955
in the book I Albert Einstein, Alice Calaprice, p. 158 ed. Mirror where the exact sources.
Note: Einstein made it clear that he did not believe in a personal God in the sense of the Christian faith.
- "Everything is determined… by forces we do not control. They are defined for the insect as well as for the star. People, plants or cosmic dust - all dance to the mysterious purpose played by an invisible piper from afar. "
- "I claim that secular religious sentiment is the strongest and noblest motive of scientific research" (ibid. P. 159)
- "The scientist is possessed by a sense of universal causality… His religious feeling takes the form of ecstatic surprise in the face of the harmony of the natural world, where an intelligence so superior is revealed that, in comparison with it, the whole of systematic thought and action of human beings seem completely insignificant… This feeling is undoubtedly analogous to that which possessed the religious geniuses of all times "(op. cit. p. 161)
- “What is the meaning of human life or the life of every creature? The answer to the question belongs to religion. One may ask: Does it make sense to ask such a question? My answer is that the man who considers life meaningless, his own and that of his fellow human beings, is not only unhappy but also unworthy of life "(ibid. P. 162)
- "Anyone who is seriously involved in science is convinced that in the laws of the universe a mind far superior to the human mind is manifested… Thus the pursuit of science leads to a particular religious feeling that is really very different from the religiosity of a more naive person »(Op. Cit. P. 162)
- "Relativity is a purely scientific issue and has nothing to do with religion" (ibid. P. 177)
- "It is difficult to peek at the playing cards of God. But not for a moment can I believe that… he would choose to play dice with the people "(ibid. P. 182)
- "One thing I have learned in my long life: our whole science, when compared to reality, seems primitive and childish - and yet, it is the most valuable thing we have" (ibid. P. 187)
- "Physical concepts are free creations of the spirit and do not necessarily arise, as is often thought, from our relations with the outside world. In trying to understand reality we look like someone trying to understand the mechanism of a closed clock. He sees the outside: the plate, the moving indicators, he hears the ticking, but inside he cannot enter. If he has some ability, he will perhaps invent a mechanism by which the clock works, which he sees, but he will never be sure that his ideas are unique, by which his observations are explained. Because he will never be able to control his ideas based on real mechanisms "(Einstein, L.Infeld, Die Evolution der Physik (1987), 40))
"I have never found anything in my science that I can oppose to Religion."
- "As long as the laws of Mathematics refer to reality they are not certain, and as long as they are certain they do not refer to reality"
- "Serious deacons of science are the only deeply religious people" (in Religion and Science p. 40)
The nature of the soul
Summarizing all the concepts presented in this book, in relation to the existing modern Scientific Theories about the nature of the soul, which were described in its chapters, we could list the following final hypotheses on this serious subject that concerns Medicine. , Philosophy, but also all human beings, through the centuries ..
The soul, in its simplest form, could be said to be a personalized set of energy required for the functioning of every living creature on the planet. Its creation is the first great mystery of the appearance of life in the Universe. This was present and necessary for the creation of the first cell, but also later, of all species of the animal and plant kingdom. It enlivens the body, processing the information it gives it, through its senses, organs and memories, emotions, experiences and instincts, and reacts automatically, based on them, giving instructions to the body and providing it with the necessary energy so it moves, nourishes and grows. In this form, the soul has no logic, so it is not responsible for the actions of the living organism. Therefore there is no moral formation of it and much more, awareness of the existence of itself and the Universe. Thus after the death of the body, its soul, which is only energy, dissolves, as it no longer nourishes and serves its needs.
But with the appearance of man, which is the second great mystery of the existence of life in the Universe, the energy set of his soul, acquired an "element" of unknown composition, in which are recorded all the memories, feelings, experiences, ideas, etc. stored in the human brain during its lifetime. These, are processed LOGICALLY and WITH FREE WILL, from this "element", they are formed morally and create a consciousness of its existence as A UNIQUE EXISTENTAL ENTITY IN THE UNIVERSE EXPRESSING ITS SELF BY THE WORD “EGO” (I, ME)
It is man, guided by his rational soul, to do good or evil, to create cultures or, to destroy them, to communicate with his fellow human beings and to love or, to hate, to investigate the mystery of his existence. and wondering if his Soul, which is conscious of itself, of the Universe and of God, which, unknown how, was created and is self-existent, self-sufficient and without the need for anyone else to establish and maintain it, if it will survive after the death of the body ???
"If there is no life after death, then this life is the worst joke I have ever seen and ever heard"!
Loukas Christoforou
Academic and Professor
1) The lecture of George Paxinos in Athens in 2017
2) The universe, life and man, Kotsaki Dimitriou, Emeritus Professor of the University of Athens, published by "Zoi" 1986
3) The origin of Life and science, of the same
4) The pioneers of Science and the Genesis of the world, of the same
5) The worldview of Materialism, of the same
6) Are we alone in space? of the same
7) The big problem God and world, of the same
and the astronomical universe, Creation or Fate, of the same
9) How does science today view the Universe, of the same
10) The composition of the Universe, the same
11) Science speaks, published by "Zoi", 1979
12) The wise speak about God, published by "Zoi" 1980
13) The sages talk about Christianity, published by "Zoi" 1979
14) The sages speak about the Soul, published by "Zoi" 1982
15) The great ones in the face of pain, published by Zoi 1987
16) Why I am not an atheist, Georgiou Meleti, published by "Zoi" 1994
17) The Christian Faith in the century of Science, N.P. Vassiliadis, published by "o Sotir" 1982
18) Beginning and end of the world, Cosmology and the Bible, archim. Asteriou Hatzinikolaou, published by "o Sotir" 2001,
19) Man in the universe, archim. Asteriou Hatzinikolaou, published by "o Sotir" 1996
20) Darwin and the theory of evolution, N.P. Vassiliadis, published by "o Sotir" 1995
21) God and Religion in the Natural Sciences, Megas L. Farantos, Ennosia, 2008
22) I am Albert Einstein… Alice Calaprice, published by Katoptro 1998
23) The Language of God, Francis S. Collins, published by Papazisis 2009
24) Dawkins' Illusion ?, AlisterMc Grath, Uranus 2008
25) Pascal Blaise, Thoughts, published by Kastaniotis
26) Science or God, J. Polkinghorne, published by Travlos,
27) Galileo in prison, Myths about science and religion, edited by Ronald L. Numbers, published by Logion2011
28) Is God a mathematician? Mario Livio, published by Enalios 2014
29) World History of Culture, Will Durant volume Z p.
30) World History of Culture, Will Durant volume H.
31) Anthology of Philosophy, Ubaldo Nicola, published by Enalios 2007
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